高5 HVLS吊扇HVLS风扇有助于大空间空气的分层, 冬天的热量循环,夏天的冷空气. 直径范围从8 '到24 ', there's a HVLS fan or combination of fans perfect for your unique facility.
风扇控制Variable Frequency Drives allow for remote mounting of a keypad for centralized control. 单相和三相可选, these drives have multiple faults and alarms designed to protect the fan motor and gearbox—and can be easily daisy chained to other drives.
工作站风扇10"不要因为它的小尺寸而气馁, 这个轻量级的, 有效的, and rugged fan is perfect for individual 工作站 or ventilation in restricted areas.
高速风扇14-30”是否需要空气流通或通风, these heavy-duty industrial fans are perfect for essentially any area in your factory or warehouse—available in a variety of sizes, 风格, 甚至可以定制颜色.
高速风机34"34英寸的高速风扇是我们提供的最大的风扇, 室内空气投掷距离在200到230英尺之间. 就像我们携带的其他高速风扇一样,它可以 以各种方式安装.
不锈钢风扇Stainless steel construction is offered on 14, 18, 22, 26, and 30-inch size fans. 每个风扇都采用#304抛光不锈钢外壳, 符合OSHA标准的不锈钢护指, 不锈钢刀片. Completely enclosed motor, washdown duty motors, and stainless steel motors are available.
镀锌的粉丝所有14" - 34"风扇都具有耐腐蚀性, 热浸镀锌涂层船体, galvalum叶片, 不锈钢五金, 符合OSHA标准的不锈钢或镀锌护指.
拾取模块风扇考虑到配送和履行中心, the db quiet fan from Patterson takes the need for air movement and combines it with the requirement to hear voice picking commands.
高速汽车冷却器beta365撞到你的装货码头风扇? 那么高速卡车冷却器是给你的. 3200 CFM,可安装在离地面7英尺的地方, 这个紧凑的码头门风扇是出路, 只占用6英寸的门空间.
高速笼式风机最高可达9700 CFM, 我们提供一系列的强力, 重型笼式风扇,可在18, 24英寸和30英寸的. 产品显示与可选的基座安装. 柱壁安装也可用.
功率管s are available in five standard models (each connecting with an appropriately sized 高速风机)和无限数量的自定义配置. The five models have been engineered with optimal airflow in mind; the tube length, 孔的大小, and hole spacing were calculated so that the area along the entire length of the tube would receive smooth, 持续的空气运动.
轭架山The yoke mount can be used separately or in conjunction with other mounts to secure 高速风机s in a variety of ways.
塔壁山当与轭结合时, these mounts can be used to secure 高速风机s to 列 and 墙 in your facility.
机架式The bolted hinge of the rack mount allows for airflow to be directed where it's needed most, 并在需要时进行调整.
卡车冷却器与卡车冷却器安装, dock fans can be secured to the top corner of either side of the dock door, 让风扇吹到卡车后面.
梁夹与轭架安装一起使用, the beam clamp allows for 高速风机s to be securely attached to flanges of different thicknesses.
链悬挂The chain suspension kit allows you to securely hang a 高速风机 from beams and other overhead structures using three eye bolts and lengths of chain.
底座10-30"This pedestal base can be used with any of our 10-30" 高速风机s.
底座34"This rugged and reinforced pedestal base supports the large 34" 高速风机.
便携式婴儿车The 可移植的 stroller based allows you to move any size 高速风机 to where you need airflow most.
壁式电源/排气器LCEThe light duty wall exhauster is available in sizes 20 to 60-inch, and boasts 3,000 to 40,000 CFM.
壁式电源/排风器The medium duty wall exhauster is available in sizes 24 to 60-inch, and boasts 5,000 to 47,000 CFM.
壁式电源/排气器L3EThe heavy duty wall exhauster is available in sizes 42 to 72-inch, and boasts 25,000 to 85,000 CFM.
下风屋顶排气机This belt-driven centrifugal roof exhauster has an attractive spun aluminum exterior and non-overloading backward inclined wheel for efficiency at higher static pressures—it exhausts air up to 28,000 CFM.
皮带驱动的上风屋顶排气装置The belt-driven upblast roof mounted exhauster is designed to economically remove large volumes of air, 烟雾和汽气,最小驱动马力为150%.
直接驱动上喷式屋顶排气机The direct drive upblast roof mounted exhauster requires less maintenance than belt-driven models. It has cast iron pillow blocks, doubled sealed and prelubricated, designed for 200,000 hour life.
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